We are EOBV
We are EOBV
Under the motto “We are EOBV” we would like to present our diving bases in Austria. This takes place at weekly intervals on our Facebook page!
Visit us on our website at www.eobv.eu
EOBV – The state authorized diving association
The EOBV currently has 11 diving bases in Austria, 77 active diving instructors who mainly train recreational divers, but also mixed gas diving, technical diving, working diving, etc. The CEDIP also works with several diving associations at European level. Internally, the EOBV, which is an association but which operates and is managed like a company, is divided into a presidency, a board (various departments), a training commission, an arbitration board, auditors and an office.
Since it was founded in 1985 and co-founded CEDIP in 1992, the EOBV has been one of the most professional diving associations far beyond national borders. One of the greatest achievements after decades of activity in the scuba diving sector was the receipt of the state authorization in 2008. As a result, the well-founded and well thought-out training system of the EOBV was not only included as a basic training path in state diving training courses (e.g. military, police…) but after years of testing all branches and the training guidelines, the EOBV received one due to its competence as the first and only diving association government empowerment.
This means that, based on the legal basis, we have the right to issue certificates within the meaning of the Proof of Expertise Ordinance, FK-V, Federal Law Gazette, BGBI. II No. 13/2007, for working divers for general diving work, engineering and research diving work as well as for activities as a signal person.
Legally, it looks like this: A state-authorized training facility is authorized by notification (= legal norm) to carry out training and also to issue corresponding CERTIFICATES on the basis of the curriculum it has submitted, which of course must comply with the legal framework. These certificates have legal character in the EU and all countries that have concluded treaties with the EU and are therefore to be recognized.
The EOBV not only provides educational work for various clubs and organizations, but also works with state institutions that affect the professional diving sector, as well as with the police, military, fire brigade, water rescue, various special units (Cobra, ESD, hunting command, demining service,…) etc.
What’s in it for me as a simple diver?
For the normal scuba diver, the state authorization plays no role for the time being, apart from a well-founded training. This empowerment only comes into play when the student diver decides to pursue further training, because then our high-quality training is important right from the start. Only further development shows the way, but the foundation stone is already laid in the beginning with a well-founded training. Many stop at the Independent Diver qualification and have a lot of fun doing it. Should also be like that, but we can give the few others an internationally recognized vocational training because of our authorization.
The EOBV and the CEDIP
As a co-founder of the CEDIP, the EOBV is still actively involved in the work in the European diving sector in the “European committee of professional diving instructors”. Our finance officer, Erwin Matiasch , is currently Vice-President of CEDIP.
The CEDIP website can be found at www.cedip.org